This page last changed on Nov 18, 2007 by ehazzard.
Driving Question
What if there were no friction?
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This unit explores the role of friction in everyday life.
Exploring the question
What if there were no friction?
Jennifer lives in a world that would seem very strange to us. Everything is very slippery, like ice. All of the surfaces have very little friction. Friction is the name given to the force that makes something slow down when it is sliding across another surface.
Jennifer is used to her world with very little friction, but we would have trouble.
Use pictures or words to describe what it feels like to walk around on ice.
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Name another surface that is very, very slippery!
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Albert lives in a world that is just the opposite. Everything is very sticky. All of the surfaces have a large amount of friction.
Describe what it would feel like to walk around if the bottoms of your shoes were sticky like gum. Use pictures or words.
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Name another surface that is very, very sticky!
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